Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Afternoon Tea

When Nora is home from school, we try to go to the Camellia Tea Room at least once. We have tea sandwiches, little salads, maybe scones and a pot of tea for each. She likes the lavender blue tea best, which reeks of coconut in my opinion. I have been trying out all the green teas, since they are not so available here. Today I had the Gyokuro tea, described as "Japan's finest grade of tea".

I am beginning to think that I like the tea paraphernalia more than I actually like the tea. Teapots, tea cups, silver strainers, cute little spoons - this is the stuff that makes the tea. Slurping tea made from a teabag in a mug is not the same as sipping tea made from loose tea in a one-of-a-kind teapot.

When I cleaned out my parents house last year, I made a decision: I was taking every teapot and every tea cup. And, I did. I haven't unpacked them yet, but it is beginning to look like there is a collection beginning here. I can count 12 teapots sitting on the sideboard of the china cupboard.

You need the proper teapot for a specific tea. Japanese? Chinese? English teapot? Floral, geometric, or plain? 2 cup, 4 cup, 6 cup? These are all important factors to include in the final selection decision. Of course, the final decision is usually to use "the favorite".

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