Friday, October 30, 2009

There Must be Something in the Wine

October 30, 2009

Is it something in the air? The water? The wine? Or, is it simply life in Roma. Everywhere I go, I find couples in passionate embrace.

The first sighting: on the Tiber river. As I crossed one of the stone arched bridges, I stopped to look over the parapet for my first view of the river. There, on the promenade beside the river stood a couple langorously embracing and sharing a very long kiss. This kiss lasted long enough for me to be able to take four shots with my slow digital camera.

Then today, while waiting for the light to change to cross a very busy boulevard, a couple on the opposite corner took the opportunity to sneak a kiss. Well, actually, it was not sneaky at all. They brazenly wrapped their arms around each other, closed their eyes, and kissed each other, long and hard.

The coup de grace was the kiss in Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. What? In Saint Peter’s for goodness sake? Yes. For goodness sake, while larger-than-life statues of saints and popes looked on, a couple stopped, faced each other, mutually hugged, and kissed for a full five seconds. Lightning did not strike, and the other 500 pilgrims in the sanctuary were too distracted by the grandeur of the basilica to notice another couple kissing.

There must be something in the wine.

1 comment:

marcie shlesinger beyatte said...

the wine, the water, the olive oi, or the gelato?
there is something about Italy that makes even the most cynical, reconsider.
and what a great photo!