Friday, February 1, 2013


My apologies to all of my blog followers. I have found that internet access is less available than Ihad predicted, AND I have experienced so much that my brain is a muddled mess.  So, I will attempt to start with some update posts, and then see if I can do a better job of little posts.

Here is the summary update. Six days in Jordan. We drove across country to Petra, and I want to go back and spend three days to a week hiking every trail in the area. We visited at least four castles, and saw a bunch of stuff. See future postings for details. Final summary of Jordan: I liked this country. Jordanians are American-friendly as well as helpful and respectful.

The last three days I have been experiencing culture shock in Dubai. It was like going from the Appalachian Trail to Manhattan in less than three hours. Dubai is a fabulously rich and modern city surrounded by desert.

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