Saturday, November 5, 2011

NaNoWriMo: the status report

I know that you are all very anxious to know how my writing is coming along.

I have done something dreadful to my back, and I are trying various positions and drugs to alleviate the symptoms. Yesterday, I took the drug that doesn't do anything for the pain, but causes you to fall asleep at the drop of a hat. Needless to say, the hat dropped, and I didn't write anything at all yesterday, which means that I feel even further behind. I have abandoned that particular drug, and I'm trying another one that allows the patient to accomplish more during the day.

When I woke up this morning, NaNoWriMo reported that at this rate, I would finish my 50,000 words by February 3rd.

One of my challenges is that I am not supposed to sit more than 20 to 30 minutes at a time. This could be just the excuse I need...  But I was creative, and found that my laptop on top of an unabridged dictionary on top of my dresser was exactly the right height to write (oh oh - is that poetry?very bad poetry? "right height to write..."). So I stand at the dresser and type away, and if I can't think of anything to write, I try on some costume jewelry. I have also cleaned out two complete drawers of old clothes. Not that I'm distracted or anything. Also found my bandana collection.

So the good news is that right now, NaNoWriMo says that at this rate, and I'm not sure what that means, I will be done by December 17th. Which means that I might not have to write on CHRISMAS!! 

Ya! Hoo!

And I see that my writing group friendsl are scampering right along - your word counts are rising and I can see your little bunny tails in the distance in front of me.

I have a new technique. If I don't know what is going to happen next, I write about something that happened before I started to write. That usually gets me in the right place to move along in the middle again. If it gets really difficult, I might make my character adopt a dog, and I can tell part of the story from the dog's point of view.

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