Thursday, November 17, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 17 update

Today, the husband started calling NaNoWriMo (are you sitting down?) NoWanWriNoMo - or something like that. Cracked me up.  It's also a bit of a tongue twister.

Today, I was at my wits end, trying to think through the next stages of the novel, and I pulled out a stack of 3 x 5 cards, because you know, I have 3 x 5 cards EVERYWHERE, and I started jotting down ideas on the cards, and then suddenly [trumpets blare] A most incredible plot twist wrote itself on a card!! I think Noel would say "woot" at this point.

See y'all tomorrow night. If I get lost, I'll call for help so turn your darned phones on.

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