Saturday, November 19, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 19 - belated

You are the only people I could tell this to who would understand. I just reached 30,035 words, which I understand was yesterday's target, but perhaps you will understand my euphoria when I explain that I had to write 2,363 words TODAY to get to this point.

This, after running/sauntering in the Davis Turkey Trot (as did Katie, the bunny writer).  I have been standing here at my dresser for several hours now. [sigh]

So I am only one day behind at this point and the night is young. Well, I had to get up at 5:30 this morning to trot the darned turkey race, so the night is starting to feel old to me.

But I have broken the 30,000 word barrier and I am mighty pleased with myself. 30K words and a 5K run, all in one day. Whew!

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