Monday, November 14, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day 14

Wailing, rending of cloth, gnashing of teeth... it must be day 14.

I just want to say that I wrote over 2800 words today and I am STILL behind by over 2000 words. This is that happens when you go on vacation with your friends. Do NOT let this happen to you.    

Update: the dog has not appeared yet. And, I have it on good authority that Marcie has sent all of her characters to a wedding. Oh. My. God. If there's not drama there, the whole thing is hopeless. She says there are some people going who SHOULD NOT meet at this point... In my tale, my two primary characters made it over the drawbridge, and have escaped armed marauders more than once. Several family members are missing. :o) 

I look forward to seeing the California contingent on Friday night. Is that at 7:00? or is there an alternative plan? (or do we have to wait and see what the omniscient NaNoWriMo author has written for us to do now?) 

Imagine we are the characters in a NaNoWriMo novel... The author writes: "let's see, I'm going to put this one on BART twice a day and let her write up a blizzard of words... hmmm... This one's computer is going to break now. And, oh, oh, let's give this one a HUGE cold requiring reams of Kleenex, and that one up in Canada, I'm a gonna fill her with despair. oh yeah and then there's that one that thought that a couple of short stories would be ha ha ha ha omigod I think I have the hiccups - wait until she finds out what I have in store for her. And Sunday, I'll put four of them on a train to the Big City.

See y'all later. ::Sheila

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