Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Torture Begins

In recent years, when traveling by air,  I frequently have to say , "Remember when it used to be fun to fly?"  Now, it's just torture.  You have to arrive hours in advance.  Going through security... well what can I say? Carry on must be a certain size. No liquids or gels except in impossibly small quantities, and oh yeah, total quantity must fit in a quart ziplock bag. ( I wondered this morning if a peanut butter and jelly sandwich would make it through.)Then you have to unload electronics from the carry on bag, take your shoes and belt off... I mean really... a belt?

Today, I learned what happens if you can't lift your arm above your head in the full body scan machine.   I have this shoulder problem I've been seeing a physical therapist about, and I can't lift my left arm into that position they want. They sent me through the old fashioned metal detector, then called for a "matron for female search." She never showed up and finally the tsa staff talked about it and decided that they could swipe my hands and that would do. I passed security.

In the meantime, Donald rremoved his shoes and belt, but was stopped and searched because he left a ballpoint pen in his pocket.

Now we wait several hours to board our flight, watching these little pods get shuttled around.


Lisa Noël said...

Bon voyage! Can't wait to hear your adventures!

Unknown said...

I feel your pain!

Unknown said...
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marcie shlesinger beyatte said...

The fun begins!
Blog away!

Anonymous said...

Coming back to US from Heathrow I couldn't believe that security was doing a full body search on my almost 82 year old mother. She could barely keep her balance as they had her arms raised and patted up her legs to ..... well you get it. Really!

Happy Trails!